A think tank for a new Europe
Sustaining free trade, liberalisation & rule of law while increasing environmental protection, personal choice & transparency
Sustaining free trade, liberalisation & rule of law while increasing environmental protection, personal choice & transparency
We fulfill our purpose through active lobbying on policy issues; engaging with politicians, business leaders and influencers; developing white papers, thought-pieces and carrying out research studies; arranging events; amplifying messages across traditional and social media; as well as building alliances with opinion-formers, decision-makers and stakeholders globally.
Our work takes the form of engagement on high-level political issues related to free trade, openness and personal choice, as well as concrete, grassroots initiatives on promoting the future of work, labour market reform and facilitating the increased use of technology.
This will be taking place on 27th March from 8:00 in Central Stockholm.
Interested in attending? Sign up at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/future-of-work-networking-breakfast-tickets-1292465512139?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl
"Future of Work Study 2025: Digitalisation, HR outsourcing and the Future of Work" is out now.
This study looks at how EU sanctions on aluminium are flawed, punish businesses and consumers, as well as undermine EU competitiveness.
Sign the petition today at https://chng.it/rmC94yP7W4 and share it with your friends and colleagues.
Check out our latest policy papers for international organisations and partners.
Why was this think tank started, what do we do and why is Free Trade Europa different? You can find the answers here.
What do we think? Here we share our opinions, comments and proposals on what's happening in the world.
We are supported by a group of thought leaders from the worlds of politics, academia, and business. Ideas aren't born in a vacuum.
Many organisations who support open markets and sustainable free trade are joining us. Find out how you can too.
We want to hear from you. If you have any thoughts, comments or suggestions please let us know.
Do you have any questions about this think tank? You can find most of the answers here. If not, just ask.
Bi-weekly conversations with CEOs, thought-leaders, practitioners and academics on the Future of Work and how this links in with Technology, Labour Market & Migration issues.
Listen: https://open.spotify.com/show/1k3cwTTELSIQV1ac3KQBpL
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSjYiNNc8a0I2C-tuzmCygA
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